Reserve your spot now for the most popular ITA event of the year!
Date: Sunday, May 15, 2011
Location: Woodbridge High School Tennis Center (corner of Alton and Lake)
Time: 8:30am – 1:00pm
Cost: $10 for ITA members or $15 for guests/non-members
RSVP to: Nan at or 949-651-0626
Includes a morning of random tandem mixed doubles tennis (no partner necessary, you may sign up individually), morning snacks, full catered Hawaiian style lunch by Tummy Teasers, short annual business meeting followed by a raffle with fabulous tennis prizes!
In an effort to make the event a more enjoyable experience for everyone, tennis play will be divided into two groups this year:
Competitive Division – higher level group for players seeking more serious tennis, suggested for competitive players 4.0 or above
Recreational Division – lower level group for players seeking decent tennis and a social, enjoyable atmosphere. Suggested for players 4.0 and below or Seniors.
Please include the division you would like to play in when you RSVP to Nan.